Docker Octave image

Due to the fragility of the combination of the Sphinx/Matlab/Octave ecosystems, we created a Docker image able to run the tests and compile the documentation.

The latest image can be pulled using the command:

docker pull replab/replab:latest

and the image can be run using the command:

docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -e HOME=/workspace -v /PATH/TO/LOCAL/REPLAB/REPO:/workspace/replab -it replab/replab:latest

The image is created using the root user, albeit giving full permissions to others inside the container; thus additional files can be created by the appropriate non-root user when running it.

The above command mounts the replab folder of the host machine into the container. Any change to this folder inside the container will thus be immediately reflected in the host filesystem.

Update python dependency versions in the Docker file

The underlying Linux distribution is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, so we can expect some stability from the packages managed by apt. Concerning the Python packages, we pin their versions using pip-tools.

For this, the sphinx subdirectory contains the file which lists the python packages we require. Whenever the latest dependencies form consistent python environment able to compile the documentation, the requirements.txt file can be updated with the command:

pip-compile > requirements.txt

to be run from the sphinx/ directory.